Active ingredients: Niclosamide 700g/kg + Metaldehyde 50g/kg
Specifications: 35g pack
This molluscicide has exposure impact, toxicity and rapid solubility. Furthermore, it also contains snail luring additives. As a matter of fact, its effects are rather strong. Snails will quickly die after being exposed to this product.


PLANT mollusk DOSE
 Rice Channeled applesnail (Pomacea canaliculata)  0.35kg/ha (35g/25 l  sprayer)
In the late afternoon or when the temperature is below average, applesnails often float themselves to feed on the plants’ nutrients. The product should be applied on those occasions. 
It’s better to maximize the effects by spraying the applesnails directly.
If the water level in the field exceeds 4cm, either bring a little water out of the field or increase the dose a bit.
Retain the water for 1-2 days after spraying.
Do not mix this with seeds before sowing.
Do not use this in case of undersowing.
Do not use this when there are prawns or fishes in the water.
PreHarvest Interval (PHI): None since this product is to be used at the early days of planting.
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